May 13, 2008


Don't we have enough to worry about when we're sleeping? You've got bed bugs, the Tokyo Stock Exchange, snoring, light pollution, not getting enough sleep, getting too much sleep, nightmares about pennies...

Okay, maybe that last one's just me.Pillow.jpg

In 2005, research conducted by the University of Manchester found that our nighttime pillows can produce millions of fungal spores. We've known sleeping can present us with an array of nasties. A pillow ecosystem if you will. This particular fungus is the microscopic Aspergillus fumigatus. Just the name alone should be a warning. It's a common fungus often associated with asthma and many allergies.

You can see the article here. I know, it would've been helpful to be alerted to this back in '05. But what would you have done? And here's an article from 2007. Lots of fun. There are lots of other links. This does make me wonder how often should I replace my pillow?

Though I don't think I'll be buying this pillow anytime soon.


Scott said...

PILLOWHEAD! Does he bring vengeance in tiny little boxes?

Dan McCullough said...

He certainly does! (I wasn't quite sure how I was going to fit a Pillowhead reference into this blog.)